

Mother Nature and acne is his fault! You have done nothing wrong; Mother Nature coldly and cynically declared that you would be unlucky enough to struggle with acne. But when Mother Nature is distributing it to you to find the acne treatment for you, but fortunately, there are several ways to reduce or get rid of acne. Firstly, your online family determines the probability that you have an acne-prone skin anywhere from a level of mild to severe. Then at a certain age, the engines start reproduction without your consent, flooding your body with chemicals called hormones that switch on strange variety of systems, including those of your skin. Finally, Mother Nature determines when to stop the engines revving and turn to idle smoothly, leaving your skin calm down. This means that you have very little say in how many months or years what is called acne attack you. Mother Nature is a beast. Fortunately, however, it is also a generous beast. Supply, and sometimes hiding many treasures in the natural world that can help and heal, soothe and strengthen, cool and clean. It offers gifts that the balance of your system and skin balm. The hormones are produced and travel throughout your body. One of the bodies that can handle the hormones and detoxify your body is the liver. During puberty, it can become a bit overloaded with hormonal surges, and any other toxic substance added by junk food. If you help decongest the liver as much as possible, it can do its job much more quickly and reduce the effects on your skin (which also tries to detoxify the body). Other organs that help detoxification are the kidneys and intestine. DAILY BASIS Drink 8 glasses of filtered water to help the kidneys eliminate toxines.La first thing in the morning have a glass of water with fresh lemon juice (squeeze 1 / 3 large lemon or half a small lemon) to the liver. Eat fresh fruits, vegetables, grains and fibers to help the intestine. Exercise helps your organs, and sweating can help clean the pores of the interior. DAILY ADDITIONS Taking one tablet each morning chasteberry can help girls to balance and regulate your cycles hormonaux.Prendre a multivitamin or B complex tablet each morning may help clear the liver at a faster rate and provide more energy for sports activities and taking a tablet mentale.La immune stimulant like Echinacea or garlic capsule helps your body’s ability to fight against skin bacteria. Teas Dandelion – helps detoxification digestion and metabolism improve fluid. It is good for the liver and reins.Ortie – helps eliminate skin problems, blood purifier, helps the metabolism and digestion and is a good tonic for fatigue, because it contains many vitamins and minéraux.Verveine – used in chronic skin conditions, helps the kidneys and is a nerve tonic that can relieve headaches and insomnia. Licorice – good to combine with other herbs to harmonize and improve the taste effects bitter teas. WONDER PLANT Aloe Vera – has many advantages and is easy to grow at home. The gel inside the leaf can be used fresh as a topical balm on the skin directly. Has anti-biotic and anti-inflammatory, it is the cleaning of the skin, helps heal wounds faster and calms the redness of pimples. It is slightly anti-pain, detoxifies the skin and removes dead skin cells. There is also a liquid preparation of Aloe Vera can be considered a beverage and a detoxifying, balancing acid / alkaline and immune stimulation tonique.Neem – used mainly in India but is gaining popularity worldwide. Generally oil neem seed is used externally and Neem leaf powder can be swallowed or chewed neem leaves, but tea, tablets, herbal wine, jams and creams are also available. Among its many benefits, neem has great effects immune reduce infection and inflammation. He is also cleaning the blood and liver cleansing. Neem oil applied to the skin is a treatment for acne request. ESSENTIAL OILS tea tree oil – antiseptic, antibacterial, healing of the skin, strenthens system immunitaireCèdre – toning skin, antiseptic, calming, apaisantCypress – balances female hormones, relaxation, treatment peauGéranium – anti-septic, anti-inflammatory, balancing, processing of peauLemon – anti-septic, anti skin toner -bacterial, astringent, cooling, rafraîchissantJuniper – cleansing, toning, refreshing, anti-septiqueNéroli – anti-bacterial, healing of the skin, relaxing, anti-dépresseurSage – antiseptic, pain relief, healing of skin , détenteThym – anti-September tic, cleaning and toning the skin, strengthens the immune system Most essential oils must be diluted in a suitable carrier oil or water filtered based on alcohol / and then applied to the skin, but tea tree oil can be used directly from the bottle and dab directly on the buttons. Essential oils can also be used in hot water for a steam facial. About the Author 
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